Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Minute 7:09 AM

Minute 7:09 AM

It's not all hyperinflation racing mega-debt for future Aaron. Past
Aaron took the bedside table from his old apartment, so that's
positive inheritance, and maybe theft. The top drawer is full of
coins, every day, heavier and heavier, it's a pirate treasure four
floors above ground. It'll be fun to take to the bank one day, but it
won't be one month's rent, won't be one plane ticket. It'll be heavy.
Maybe the trip to the bank will be memorable. There's luggage in the
corner there, that mostly sits these days. Two summers in a row
through Europe; how did past Aaron manage that, and why? Why doesn't
he feel the urge to travel any more? For the past few years it's been
travel as a matter of course, or routine routes to disappointing
destinations. Sleep, sleep, sleep.

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